Sunday, April 14, 2013

Terrorism and the belief of Paradise being attainable not on the Earth

An international coalition to combat terrorism is already at work.Even today, however, the problem shows no signs of letting up. Quite to the contrary, it is taking on ever greater proportions and becoming increasingly refined in its methods. It is hard to escape the impression that someone has been making masterful ploys to keep leading both governments and their special services down the wrong path.

The true source and chief organizer of many of the world's terrorist acts came in for a brief mention not too long ago in Russia. During the October 2002 hostage crisis the major TV networks featured a whole host of interviews and commentaries. This included statements from the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, among others. ... He was one of the first to declare  the "we're dealing here with religious fanatics". Quite possibly not very many people paid attention to this particular phrase, but for many who did understand, it resounded like a bolt from the blue. For the very first time - from the lips of a Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs yet - one of the fundamental tenets of terrorism was called by its real name.

This was followed by the floating of another concept: Islamic fundamentalism. Rumors began circulating that Islamic fundamentalists had declared war on Christians and Jews - Israel, Russia and the United States of America in particular.

The question arises as to how to fight against religious fanaticism. I suggest we all calm down and take more thoughtful look at the situation.

Let us first decide whether religious fanaticism is found only in Islam or whether it exists in other religions as well. Of course the latter is true. Let's not forget history. Think of the numerous Christian crusades. Think of the painting of the Boyarynya Morozova. Think of the names of all the martyrs ready to to sacrifice their lives for the sake of some religious dogma - martyrs who were elevated to sainthood after death.

The fact becomes patently obvious that it is not religion as a whole, but rather specific dogmas infused into various religions which make people indifferent to their own life. The religious suicide-fanatic is quite confident that, far from being indifferent to life, he is crossing over into real life.
And as long as there exists a doctrine of goodness being attainable not on the Earth, but somewhere else, no army or 'special services' will succeed in eliminating suicide-bombers.

Let us picture the following situation. Let's say the 'special services' belonging to the major powers have got together and through their joint efforts have managed to get rid of every last terrorist on the globe. But what will that change? New terrorists will simply be born - as long as the doctrine which produces them continues to exist.

So what is the solution? Of course one cannot do without traditional precautionary measures. But along with these it is essential to understand how dangerous the doctrine is and to eliminate it before it produces more and more suicide-bombers.

Understanding! That is the most important thing today! Otherwise the struggle against terrorism will simply turn out to be a joke.

Picture the following situation. A religious fanatic, a suicide-bomber, seizes an aeroplane and aims it at some significant target in a major populated area. The authorities start negotiating with the terrorist - they tell him they are ready to meet any demands he has. But what these negotiators do not realize is that the religious fanatic's real goal is not the satisfaction of his demands. His aim is to die and assure himself entry into the non-earthly Paradise he has imagined for himself.

This dogma of a non-earthly Paradise, projected by the collective thought of people of various denominations, influences unbelievers too. For millennia now it has been exerting a most destructive influence on all mankind.

What I'm about to tell you now may seem unrealistic, even fantastical  Still, the only way to solve this problem without violence may be the following.

It is absolutely essential that Orthodox Church patriarchs, Islamic muftis, religious elders and (above all) Christians, Catholics and Muslims come together for a conference, to carefully examine the situation in the world today and change the life-destroying doctrines in their religious teachings. It is essential that religious fanatics be helped to regain their human perspective on life. It is essential to declare: "Our Father is here, on the Earth, and not somewhere else!"
At first glance it may seem as though it might take rather long time for Anastasia's ideas to effect any positive transformation in Russia, let alone other countries, seeing how gradually human consciousness ordinarily changes. However, experience has shown that in the case of many readers it can change instantaneously.

Let's look at what might happen in Chechnya if the Russian government, the State Duma, had adopted a law granting every willing family a hectare of land on which to establish a domain of their own along the lines recommended by Anastasia. The twenty thousand refugees who have been living with their families in tents for three years now would be granted their domains. Over those three years each of those same tents which are now splendid garden. Some of the residents would have already managed to build themselves a house.

Who is stopping this from coming about today? Somebody who favors not peace, but its opposite. Somebody who is trying to prevent any positive changes from taking place in Russia.

Your efforts are wasted, chaps! I doubt any of you has even the foggiest idea of just who Anastasia is, or what powers she embodies within herself.

I'll say one thing: it's not simply that she will create what she has thought up, she has already created it. It's already coming to pass, and your opposition confirms it. Any building site has its share of garbage, but sooner or later they clean it up and plant flowers.

From the book The Energy of Life by Vladimir Megre. Taken from chapter called Terrorism.

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