Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Elk saves drowning marmot

Yeah, ok, she comments in the end of the video, that the elk became advanced in the zoo. Well, maybe people are so advanced and proud not to understand a simple fact: DON'T EAT ANIMALS, because it's called CANNIBALISM! Don't keep them in cages, they are not criminals to be punished so lowly.

Charles Darwin's book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life shortened to On the Origin of Species; the name speaks for itself. "Every species is fertile enough that if all offspring survived to reproduce the population would grow (fact)."

If you think that Homo Sapiens evolution has stopped, you're completely wrong. Even in humans something is changing. Think of how animals will change! Everything and I mean EVERYTHING will take a humanoid form one day. And our ancestors were animals once, as dumb as a chimpanzee, or even further - as a fish! But would you really call our ancestors dumb just because they were fish at some point? Oh wait, what if the fish species on you dinner's plate today will really evolve into humanoids in a million years from now?! 

Would cows never walk on two feet? I mean, they HAVE evolved so far. Don't ask me about birds... They have already evolved from dinosaurs, and will continue to evolve to something else. Just a year ago I was watching a Discovery channel, and they were speaking of animals on this planet and spoke and shown how will the animals look like in about 200,000 years. Birds became rodents with beaks, octopuses left water to walk upon the Earth with their eight legs.

Well, if you still don't think animals are your brothers and sisters. Then, if you read this article fully, when God will ask you, don't tell him you weren't warned. 

P.S.: I believe in both, God and the evolution theory. I will one day post my views on it all.

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